Fields of expertise
Scientific background and experience
- MSc in computer science (1999)
- PhD in computer science (2004)
- 20+ years of experience in software development
Mobile app development
- Native Android development with Kotlin
- Cross-platform mobile development with Dart and Flutter
- Mobile game development with Godot game engine
Back-end development
- REST APIs with node.js and Express / Koa or with Python and FastAPI
- Web applications with Python and Django
- Relational databases, in particular Firebird and Postgres
Desktop app development
- Cross platform desktop development with NW.js
- Native multi-platform development with FPC / Lazarus / Embarcadero Rad Studio
- Multi-platform development with Flutter desktop
- C / C++ / Python app development
- The first prize for the best lecture at the 2019 Annual Summit of Delphi Programmers (Mszczonow 2019, Poland)
- For the second time in a row, the first prize for the best lecture at the 2022 Annual Summit of Delphi Programmers (Mszczonow 2022, Poland)
Mobile applications
Spell Duel Pro

A premium, non-free version of Spell Duel.
Turn your phone into a magic wand. A duel of wizards for two players.
Connect your phone with your opponent's one, then actually wave it in the air to cast spells in this unique duel of wizards and witches.
The game makes use of Google Nearby Connections (please turn on location / GPS service in your phone!), it requires no registration, accounts or central servers.
Main features:
- a game for two players - phones pair automatically after selecting your opponent,
- each spell requires a unique pattern to be drawn in the air with your phone,
- the game uses the accelerometer of your phone to detect its motion,
- defensive spells protect against spells cast by your opponent,
- cast the right shield to protect yourself against spells from a particular spell book,
- choose your spells carefully: each spell consumes some of your magical energy, which replenishes slowly,
- check the properties of each spell in your spell handbook (available in the help section).
Benefits compared to the free version:
- no ads,
- you get an additional spell book of Bone spells,
- you support further development of the game.
A duel between the Pro and the free version is possible!
Made with Godot game engine.

Spell Duel

A free, ad-supported version of Spell Duel Pro.
Turn your phone into a magic wand. A duel of wizards for two players.
Connect your phone with your opponent's one, then actually wave it in the air to cast spells in this unique duel of wizards and witches.
The game makes use of Google Nearby Connections (please turn on location / GPS service in your phone!), it requires no registration, accounts or central servers.
Main features:
- a game for two players - phones pair automatically after selecting your opponent,
- each spell requires a unique pattern to be drawn in the air with your phone,
- the game uses the accelerometer of your phone to detect its motion,
- defensive spells protect against spells cast by your opponent,
- cast the right shield to protect yourself against spells from a particular spell book,
- choose your spells carefully: each spell consumes some of your magical energy, which replenishes slowly,
- check the properties of each spell in your spell handbook (available in the help section).
If you like this game, please consider buying Spell Duel Pro:
- no ads,
- you get an additional spell book of Bone spells,
- you support further development of the game.
A duel between the Pro and the free version is possible!
Made with Godot game engine.

Kop cards

Kop is a card game for four players, which is popular in the regions of Greater Poland and Kashubia (where it is called Baska). If you feel like playing kop, but you're not able to meet your friends and play at a table, now you can play for fun against your phone or just practice the game in free time. Your opponents in the application use a quite complex decision-making algorithm, which gives the feeling of playing live: the AI players don't cheat, don't peek into your cards, and can even bluff from time to time. The game allows you to choose the variant with two or four stranger cards (via the options screen) and contains a short rulebook.
Made with Godot game engine.

Paper Soccer

Paper Soccer is a soccer game which can be played with a pencil and a piece of paper. Now you can also play it on your phone or tablet, both against a firend or against your device's CPU. Three different field sizes and three difficulty levels to choose from.
Made with Godot game engine.


CrowdChant is a little app made solely for fun. It allows you to record anything (e.g. your favorite saying or sentence), and then listen to it being chanted by a crowd of voices.
Made with Kotlin and Android Studio.

Developer tools

fbdb is a Dart / Flutter library for accessing Firebird databases.
The library exposes a Dart-idiomatic, fully asynchronous API, as well as low-level FFI bindings to Firebird client interfaces.
The library is officially available from Dart's pub.dev, extensive documentation is available at the project's Github repository.
An example Android application using fbdb is also available in this github repository.

Mac OS X applications
Due to lack of resources, the OS X applications listed below are no longer under active development. However, user reports indicate they are still usable and installable, therefore appropriate installation packages are still available.
Their source code is released under the MIT license, so you are free to grab the sources and continue development.
The binaries have been released under MIT-like license (not literally MIT, but quite permissive). They are all free to download and use, both commercially and non-commercially.
The applications have been written in pure Objective-C (no scripting, only native binaries) and use the Apple's Cocoa framework. You need the Xcode environment to build them from sources. The binaries are in the universal format, i.e. they should work on both Intel and PowerPC Macs (at the time they were written there were still some PowerPC Macs around). The minimum OS X version is 10.4 (Tiger), except for EPPE, which, apart from the universal binary, has a PowerPC-only variant for OS X 10.3 (Panther).
A viewer / editor of the settings dabase in Mac OS X. The database (also called the application defaults database) stores configuration information of most of the applications and of the operating system itself.
DefEcs allows you to browse the defaults database in a convenient way, add / remove / edit keys, backup / restore domains or the whole database.
Download installation package (.dmg, ~680 kB)
Download source code (.zip, ~3.4 MB)

A simple English-Polish and Polish-English dictionary. The dictionary database consists of about 19000 English and 12500 Polish definitions.
The dictionary is editable (you can add new words and / or edit existing definitions).
Download installation package (.dmg, ~2.8 MB)
Download installation package for MacOS X 10.3.x (PowerPC only) (.dmg, ~3
(the OS X 10.3.x version was compiled in response to users' requests)
Download source code (.zip, ~3.4 MB)

SynXer is a folder synchronization utility. In short, it compares the contents of two folder trees and performs some actions (like copying, removing etc.), depending on the differences between the folders. It may be used to merge different parts of the project into a single folder structure, to make incremental backups or just to move the data between different machines using a removable media.
You can define multiple synchronization targets (projects), specify a synchronization method for each of them, and review the prepared synchronization schedule before applying it.
Download installation package (.dmg, ~980 kB)
Download source code (.zip, ~3.5 MB)

A simple news prompter (a scrolling news banner) feeded by the TVN24 Polish news broadcaster. Due to the change in the station's news feeding system, the application no longer works as intended.
Installation of this app doesn't make sense any longer, unless for fun or if you'd like to review the source code for educational purposes.
Download installation package (.dmg, ~350 kB)
Download source code (.zip, ~2 MB)

Company name: Hipercom Tomasz Tyrakowski
Location: Poznań (Poland, EU)
Contact: biuro __at__ hipercom.pl